Category Acne

Can Acne Be Caused by Dry Skin?

Can Acne Be Caused by Dry Skin?

When you envision acne, you typically imagine oily, inflamed, red skin that is irritated and painful. While this is certainly a common scenario, acne can actually be caused by dry skin as well. The myth that those with dry skin…

What are Top Common Hidden Acne Triggers?

What are Top Common Hidden Acne Triggers?

Acne is one of those incredibly fickle things that almost everyone goes through as they hit adolescence. Pimples and inflammation seem as much a part of being a teen as prom and graduation. Sometimes, though, the acne chooses to stick…

Apple Cider Vinegar and Acne

Apple Cider Vinegar and Acne

Apple cider vinegar has been an incredibly hot topic in the health and fitness scene lately. Being touted to help with everything from weight loss to fluid retention and bloating, the fermented vinegar has become immensely popular as of late.…

Is a Hidden Gluten Allergy Causing Your Acne?

Is a Hidden Gluten Allergy Causing Your Acne?

Acne can stem from ten million different sources. From wacky hormones to stress, it seems that everyone has a unique cause for their own individual skincare struggles. One common denominator in many non-hormonal acne causes is diet. Can Eating Gluten…