Aloe Vera Benefits for Skin

As temperatures rise, moms everywhere stock up on the goop to soothe burned backs and shoulders in an instant. Aloe vera is truly a staple in many a first aid kit but what if it could potentially be the answer to your acne breakouts, too?

Aloe is extremely gentle, making it a good choice for almost every skin type.

Aloe Vera Benefits for Skin

Where to Buy Aloe Vera Skin Gel?

The soothing goo can be bought at pretty much any grocery store or gas station, making it super easy to get your hands on. It is also rather cheap in its bottled form.

Which aloe vera for skin? If you want pure aloe, you can literally just purchase a plant and break off a stalk to use the internal gel. They are hardy plants and nearly impossible to kill, making them perfect for those who’s thumb runs more black than green.

If you can access it, it is suggested that the straight from the plant form is more effective than the bottled stuff but both will work in a pinch.

Does Aloe Vera Moisturize Skin?

If you are in search of a non-greasy, deeply hydrating moisturizer, look no further. Aloe vera is absolutely stellar as a daily moisturizer! Even those with oily skin can use aloe, as it does not create a greasy residue like many commercial moisturizers.

Some mineral makeup wearers even use it as a sort of primer to prevent the dry, cakey appearance of heavier powder foundations. It gives a slight, natural glow from beneath the foundation, creating a lively and awake look.

If you have yet to find a primer that works for your skin, give aloe a go.

Why Is Aloe Vera Good for Skin?

Rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene, aloe vera has some pretty great anti-aging properties, too! It has also been proven to boost collagen production which enhances your skin’s elasticity and helps prevent sagging, tearing, and wrinkles.

When your skin is collagen rich, fine lines and wrinkles have a harder time forming, meaning you will maintain an appearance of youth for a longer period of time.

Its anti inflammatory properties will aid in relieving puffiness and redness in the skin, giving you a youthful glow. Collagen plumps the skin, making it look healthy and full.

Is Aloe Vera Good for Acne?

Aloe vera has been proven to be quite effective against acne breakouts. It has been shown to have wound healing abilities that can help close cuts and other skin damages up to nine times faster than regular, untreated healing.

On top of this, aloe vera contains two anti-inflammatory hormones, Auxin and Gibberellins, that help reduce the appearance of existing spots. Gibberellins also helps to prevent scarring and increases cell turnover rate, allowing fresh cells to replace the damaged ones sooner than usual.

Working in tandem, Auxin and Gibberellins work quickly to soothe damaged skin and prevent lasting effects while taking out stubborn breakouts with ease.

One of the most common usages for aloe vera is in treating heat exposure injuries. Known as the burn plant, aloe has been used for as long as it has been discovered to help ease the pain and itching associated with burns and sun exposure.

Can Aloe Vera Treat Burnt?

The American Academy of Dermatology recommend using aloe vera to treat sunburns due to its ability to deeply moisturize and disinfect the area without trapping in the heat of the injury like other treatments, such as petroleum jelly, are prone to do.

Trapping the heat can cause the burn to penetrate farther into the skin, causing a minor burn to quickly become more serious. Additionally, the AAD recommends using aloe due to its gentle nature; very few people experience reactions when using it and there are almost no known side effects to speak of.

How Does Aloe Vera Help Burnt Skin?

Aloe is effective in treating burns due to enzymes that reduce inflammation in injured tissues. It also increases blood flow to the area which helps prevent infection and promote speedy healing.

The promotion of collagen formation assists in creating new cells, helping stop scarring and lasting effects from the burn and antibacterial compounds prevent infection from setting in. If you pop your aloe in the refrigerator for a bit before using it, the cool gel will soothe the burn immediately and help ease the pain and itching associated with a healing sunburn.

All in all, it is your best bet for minor burns and sun overexposure. If the burn is more serious, seek medical attention and avoid applying anything to the affected area to prevent further damage.

Can Aloe Vera Help Eczema?

Aloe is also amazing for common skin ailments like eczema and psoriasis. It works to calm itching, dry skin by moisturizing it from the inside out, preventing scratching and discomfort.

It also may help medications like hydrocortisone work more effectively, meaning treatments will better reach the affected area. In eczema treatment, hydrocortisone is used to combat the spread of the dry patches.

If aloe helps it be more effective, it is possible that it can assist in breaking down stubborn outbreaks and flares. Talk to your doctor about using aloe or an aloe mix to soothe your breakouts and help ease discomfort. If they think it is a good idea, give it a try!

Final Thoughts

Aloe vera is a wonderful multipurpose, natural treatment for everything ranging from acne to dry patches. It can help with other issues like dry scalp, athlete’s foot, and a host of medical issues that we did not cover here.

It is always a good idea to have a bottle on hand in case of sunburns or breakouts and you can find it at pretty much any general store. Even better, you can pick up a fresh plant and harvest aloe directly from the source.

No matter how you get it, having aloe ready to go in case of emergencies is a fantastic idea. Your skin will thank you!